Next Act, Inc., the 501(c)(3) that operates the historic Astra Theatre in downtown Jasper has launched its third annual season ticket, membership, and sponsorship campaign. Since 2014, Next Act’s mission has been to foster, engage and create cultural and artistic opportunities and awareness in Dubois County. They’ve done that by endowing, purchasing, and renovating the theatre that now regularly hosts programming including concerts, comedians, movies.
The Astra Theatre is run completely by volunteers and depends on charitable contributions to reach its mission. Donations through the 2020 membership campaign, which includes fun incentives for individuals and businesses, including season tickets, can be made conveniently online here, or by mailing a check (payable to Next Act) to P.O. Box 23, Jasper, Indiana 47547. Incentive levels for giving can be found here.
This year’s campaign includes business sponsorship opportunities that allow for title recognition and include season tickets to events. Additionally, individuals may contribute $50 for recognition on pre-show slides at Astra events, $100 for an appetizer a week with purchase of 2 entrees at Pub ‘N’ Grub, $200 to get a bagel and coffee each month at Azura Café & Grill, $500 includes all of the previous incentives, plus free popcorn & drink at all Next Act events, $1,000 adds a custom 2-day message on Astra marquee, and $2,000 also gets a free, private rental of the Astra Theatre.
In addition, the season tickets for 2020 are a much-improved process. Tickets may be purchased online here for $300 where individuals can pick two seats that will be reserved for them for each show of the season. The season will include six concerts, six movies, and two comedians.
We value each contribution to our cause. Whether an individual has donated, purchased a ticket, attended a show, taken a picture with the marquee in the background, told someone about the theatre, or simply cheered on the efforts, we appreciate the support.
Questions may be directed to the Next Act board at 812-566-1935 or info@theNextAct.org.